Rose Hill Cemetery 

Rose Hill Cemetery will have the Spring 2025 clean up April 15-22. Please remove your items by the 15th and items can be replaced on the 23rd of April.  Thank you for supporting our clean up.

City Wide Clean up

Buffalo residents can take their trash directly to the Scott County Waste Commission with proof of residency.
April 5-12, 2025

Buffalo Water System

The health and public safety of the residents of Buffalo is the first priority of the Mayor, council members and staff of the City of Buffalo. In order to address concerns and questions regarding the safety of the public drinking water, the City is providing the following information describing testing of the water and actions taken by the City: 

Well # 1 is the city’s primary well and runs 365 days a year without assistance from any other water sources other than in emergencies. Well #1 was drilled in 1/1/1958 to a depth of 405 ft with no grout installed behind the casing. 

The City of Buffalo regularly tests the water for coliform bacteria, lead and copper, combined radium, Gross Alpha, Inorganic (IOC) Chemicals, Nitrate, Synthetic (SOC) Chemicals, Volatile (VOC) Chemicals, Sodium, PFOA, (TTHM) and chlorine residual required by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Water supply operation permit.

As required by the Department of Natural Resources, the City of Buffalo started testing for PFAS in 2023 on Well #1. The City’s PFAS laboratory testing by a third party cannot detect PFAS below 2.0 PPT. This is displayed as <2.0 on the City’s laboratory report. 

The First quarter testing reported on 3/14/23 showed PFOA 3.1 ,PFOS <2.0 The Second Quarter testing reported on 5/10/23 showed PFOA 2.8 , PFOS <2.0 The first 2 quarters were below 4.0 PPT and did not trigger a health advisory. The Third Quarter testing reported on 8/29/23 showed PFOA 8.1, PFOS 6.0 

On August 24, 2023, Well #1 was taken out of service due to a burnt-up pump motor brought on by single phasing. Extensive testing was performed on Well #1 and it has been determined that the well is receiving direct shallow-subsurface influence. After televising the well, it has been determined that the well needs an 8” metal casing installed and grouting. The City’s Engineer started the construction permit process that needs to be approved by the DNR before the well casing project can proceed. 

Well #2 is classified as an emergency back up well because its status is not active other than flushing to guarantee its operational status when needed. 

On August 24, tests were performed on Well #2 and on August 25, after results were received, Well #2 went online. This well was drilled on 1/1/1975 to a depth of 480 ft and was grouted. This well has very high iron levels resulting in discolored water. 

Additional testing for PFAS has been requested and additional samples have been submitted. The city will notify the public with Well #2 PFAS results when they are available. 

The City will soon decide whether to drill a third well or investigate capping off Well #2 below 400 ft to possibly stop the high iron levels that might be a result of it being drilled deeper.Similar wells in our area do not have high iron such as Well #2. 

If PFAS continues to be present in the Buffalo water supply additional improvements and systems can be installed at our water plant to address and remove the PFAS. 

Alert Iowa

The City of Buffalo is working with Scott County Emergency Management Agency announcing a change to the Alert Iowa Public Communication tool. Click below to sign up for Buffalo alerts and others.